Weekly Productions download:
    20-02-2025 - Listen to the blues talking
    20-02-2025 - Blues at 5
    20-02-2025 - Backtracking
    20-02-2025 - Umm Leila's Soul in Shades of Blue
    Review / Download - The Gospel Blues Train

Gospel music and the blues share a unique relationship, reflecting two sides of the same coin, some have said, the blues and the spirituals flow from the same bedrock of experience, and neither is an adequate interpretation of black life without the other. Spirituals and hymns preceded gospel, a genre that evolved through the work of Thomas A. Dorsey, a former blues singer and composer often called the father of gospel music, and others. The influence between religious music and blues has long been mutual. While both genres have their own distinct characteristics, by simply changing a few words in the lyrics, many gospel songs have been transformed into blues or soul songs, and vice versa.


The blues genre is vast, so wide and so deep which has evolved over a hundred years and beyond. So many shades of blue, so much colour. At PD Productions we research and gather blues music in every shade as far back as it's possible to go from around the world, it's what we do.

Thank you for visiting our productions download page. The listed files are uploaded and are available to download from our server for 7 days from the every Thursday date below.

These productions are primarily for personal and private listening, in those circumstances no licence is required by the listener. If however they are to be publicly broadcast / streamed, the user may be required to hold the appropriate copyright / broadcast licensing for the country / state in which they will be publicly streamed / broadcast.



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This week's productions from: Thursday 20th February 2025
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