Blues Research Resources
    Welcome to our resources file. This is just a small selection of the internet resources we use, by no means comprehensive, that supports by cross reference the books and documents in our library that we have collected over the years and continue to collect.
If you have a question, do please get in touch, we can usually answer your enquiry or point you in the right direction. We're adding to our research all the time, our journey of discovery never ends, we wish you well on yours.
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Internet resources
    Library of congress Click / load
    The Blues federation - Early blues Click / load
    Delta blues -museum Click / load
    Folkways - Smithsonian resource Click / load
    Mississippi Delta blues Click / load
    History of Mississippi Delta Blues Music Click / load
    History of the Spirituals - The blues connection Click / load
    The classic Deep South Blues Click / load
    The Blues: Music of Freedom Click / load
    The Blues Behind Bars Click / load
    Juke joints Click / load
    W C Handy Click / load
    Mississippi Blues Trail Click / load
    Early blues labels Click / load
    Books (Fiction / Non fiction) and available Research documents Click / load
    Defining blues music Click / load
    Blues research books Click / load
    The great blues lady artists Click / load
    Cultural equity resource Click / load
  The roots Click / load

PD Productions Articles

    Spirituals-The-Blues-Connection - pdf Click / load
    The legendary jug bands - pdf Click / load
    Mame Prater Click / load